These photos were taken Saturday morning at about 5:00 am, while I was doing the "walk of shame" - that's when you're coming home from partying while people are going to work. This was the morning after the all-night Midsommar rager.
Even though I was in such a condition, I still knew I would don't be living up to my responsibilities if I didn't take a few minutes to photograph the station. I think only of entertaining you, no matter what.
The art installed at the Bandhagen station includes a gigantic measuring tape which bends through the entire station, from the outer sidewalk in front of the station all the way to the boarding platform.

The station was built on one of the green lines in 1952, between the central city and Hagsätra, where my first apartment with the crazy Dutchman was.
The ruler installation was designed by Fredy Fraek and added to the station in 1983.
The sculpture also includes a carved boulder of sandstone that weighs 19 tons and is wrapped by the ruler.
As you can see, it's more of a ruler-style sculpture and not actually accurate for measuring anything. The numbers are not equidistant (yes, English also has some cool, efficient words).
you shouldve laid down and measured yourself!