English is a primary language in Great Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and has tens of millions of speakers in India, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Philippines, and all over Europe. The British Council estimates about 750 million people speak English as a foreign language. That provides a lot of opportunity for new terms, expressions, and words to be born.
Despite the less widespread prevalence of the Swedish language, it does have quite a few unique and efficient words that have no English equivalents, perhaps a reflection of the creativity of the Swedish people.
We've discussed lagom, the prevailing Swedish concept of "just enough" that is seen in everything from work ethics to furniture design. And we've touched on fika, the relaxing afternoon coffee and snack break. I have discovered a few more!

Boyfriend-girlfriend couples who live together for an extended period of time, I suppose what we might refer to as "common law marriage" or "living in sin," are called sambos. Hon är min sambo ("She is my girlfriend who I'm living with").
There is a nice word, dygn, which means "all-day-all-night" or "24-hours-a-day." There are lots of ways to say this in English, but dygn pretty much covers it. All the time.
In Swedish, there's no difference between "there is" and "there are." Both are det finns.
While those efficient words make things easy, the flipside is also true. Some of the simplicity or lack of words makes understanding a bit more difficult. A few words that I have trouble with are ones that have multiple meanings. I've illustrated one of my favorites, tjänst, in a chart below.
Like many languages, in Swedish every noun has a gender. English makes this easy because people and animals are obviously masculine or feminine while all objects are neuter. A few exceptions are countries and vehicles which are referred to as "she." It's not so easy in Swedish where everything is masculine, feminine, or "common." There are no solid rules and genders are applied arbitrarily. When you learn the word for something, you should pretty much learn the gender at the same time.

Haha! I love to read your thoughts about the Swedish language! Things that I never think about but when you write it it's so obvious.
ReplyDeleteSwedish even have 7-8 different spellings for the same sound too.. ex. champange, skjorta, skärp, juste (or schysst, same word different spellings depend on the person) So you have a lot to learn! =P Kepp it up!
You can also be sambo without being a couple but it doesn't put you under the "Sambolagstiftning" with give some legal protection for people living together. We also have the word "särbo" for people that are a couple but doesn't live together.
ReplyDeleteThe kind of sambo Erik is refering to is also called "kombo" (kompis-bo) sometimes, and then you have the all too common mambo (mamma-bo) these days when younger people can't afford to move out from their parents...